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Bathroom Safety: All About Safe Showers for Seniors

What are considered safe showers for seniors? It's an important question due to the number of slippery surfaces in the bathroom and changes to our balance and mobility as we all get older.

It's also an important question as more and more older adults choose to "age in place," or stay in one's home long-term in lieu of moving into a retirement community or nursing home. It's an attractive concept that is gaining steam.

It does, however, require some forward-thinking and smart home renovations. And you always want to make these renovations before you actually need them. You don't want to wait until you need help getting out of the tub to make a change.

The Importance of Safe Showers for Seniors

Showering can be a way to wake up and start the day off fresh. Or it can be used to help to wind down at night - a moment to ourselves that is calming and refreshing. No matter the reason or time of day, it should be an enjoyable experience.

However, taking a shower can start to feel a little different - even a little scary - as we get older. Fall risk increases as we age. And according to the National Institute on Aging, more than one in three people over the age of 65 experiences a fall each year.

That said, there some helpful home modifications that can significantly reduce the risk of falling in the bathroom. Making your home a safer place for you will give you peace of mind so you can continue living a full life. The importance of safe showers for seniors can't be overstated.

So, we’re covering all of the safe shower options, so you can make a plan for your new bathroom!

A Walk-in Safety Shower: Reduce Risk of Falling

The best way for seniors to stay safe in the shower is to replace the tub with a walk-in shower. You'll be amazed at how much easier your shower routine will be just by eliminating the big step you have to take to get into the tub. [Learn about affordable walk-in tubs with low step thresholds.]

Let's look at four things you should consider when it comes to shower safety and fall risks.

Senior Safety Consideration #1: Balance

As we age, our balance can become unreliable. Dizziness, light-headedness, and changes in medication can all impact how sturdy we feel on our feet.

With a walk-in safety shower, you can install non-slip surfaces to help you maintain your balance. A ceramic tile flooring is a great option for shower floors because it provides traction and it's water-proof. In addition to being slip resistant, it looks beautiful.

Another option if you have balance issues? Get a shower chair installed in your walk-in shower. Avoid falling in the bathroom and reclaim your shower as a relaxing routine by sitting instead of standing.

Senior Safety Consideration #2: Mobility

As we age, our mobility naturally changes. However, a few changes to make things more accessible can help you live independently.

First, it's important to make sure everything you need is easy to reach. In your shower, you should have a hand-held shower head so you can maneuver it however you need to in case your mobility changes. A hand-held shower head will help you keep your independence in the shower since it will be easier to reach and turn on and off.

Next, consider adding grab bars to your shower. They will come in handy if you start to lose your balance or need help getting out of the shower when you're done. In the event of a fall, they can help get you back on your feet, as well.

Finally, keep all of your shower essentials within reach. Install shelves at a height you can easier reach whether you are sitting or standing so that you can always access your soap, shampoo and conditioner.

Senior Safety Consideration #3: Vision

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vision impairment increases rapidly after age 75. It’s always a good idea to begin putting in safety measures before you start noticing a significant change in vision. It will allow you to get comfortable with your new surroundings — knowing exactly what is where — and be able to properly enjoy your beautiful new bathroom updates, too.

The first thing you should consider in your bathroom is the lighting. Oftentimes, bathrooms are dimly lit. Installing proper lighting so that you can see better will go a long way when it comes to your safety.

Next, consider an easy entry shower. Getting rid of your tub is a great step, but make sure you don't replace it with a shower that has a curb you have to step over.

Senior Safety Consideration #4: Arthritis

Aging is one of the known causes of arthritis, which can mean swelling, stiffness and more. From medication to lifestyle changes, there are many ways to manage arthritis challenges at home.

It’s also important to review all the rooms within your home and identify the items that are difficult to grip. When it comes to the bathroom, installing some safety features in your walk-in shower can make it easier for you if you have arthritis.

First, it needs to be easy for you to turn the shower on and off on your own. The right shower knob will make a huge difference here. Avoid a round shower knob that can be difficult to operate with arthritis. Instead, opt for a lever knob that's easy to grab and maneuver on your own.

Next, consider installing an anti-scald valve to avoid burning yourself. If you don't have complete control over your joints, it can be easy to accidentally turn the shower lever too far and make the water too hot. Avoid this with a simple anti-scald feature that will shut the water off before it gets too hot.

Another area of your shower that can be difficult to operate with arthritis is the glass shower door. With a walk-in shower, you can opt to eliminate a door altogether or have one installed that's easy to gently push open and closed without much effort.

No More Slippery Surfaces: Safe Showering Made Simple

As we all age, our needs change. And walk-in showers for seniors can help you meet changing senior care needs. It's a simple way for older adults to stay safe while showering. It can also help you stay in your home long-term.

And while the comforts of home are priceless, safe showers for seniors can be surprisingly affordable. When it comes to walk-in showers, there’s a wide range of prices based on the features you need.

Get a Free Quote for a Walk-in Safety Shower

Ready to learn more about a walk-in shower for your home? We’re here to help! Our free quote process includes a few quick questions. Then, we’ll connect you with the best walk-in shower company for your needs.

It’s that simple. And it’s free. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying that beautiful new walk-in shower in your home - and be that much safer for it! It’s time to put your safety - and the shower of your dreams - first.

Press the button below to get your free quote started now!